Our products are the result of years of research and development, decades of personal experience and meticulous study of age-old knowledge and traditions. The focus always being the nurturing, healing and revitalizing properties of plants. The deeper we delve into the natural wonders that surround us, the clearer it becomes:
Everything is connected to everything else.
Of course, most of the wonderful properties of the plant world known to us today have already been scientifically researched and proven. For example, we know for a fact that cocoa beans contain anandamide. Anandamide is a lipophilic substance that makes us euphoric, regulates appetite, and relaxes skin and muscles. Plus, it’s also produced in our own bodies. So far, so good.
However, where science hasn’t reached a conclusive answer yet is what on earth connects us to the cocoa plant. And above all…
We have a theory about this – admittedly not a very scientific one – which is also the reason why we founded eponé: To discover our tangible connection to everything within the natural world. To accept it, surrender to it, be absorbed in it and to see ourselves as an inextricable part of our earthly experience. This is where true well-being begins for us. And this is what we mean when we say:
eponé is a feeling. An attitude to life. Each product enfolds knowledge and aspiration, fused with a generous dose of escapism. A journey through the world and to yourself. Simple, elegant and powerful in its essence: a holistic range of the most valuable active ingredients delivering unique experiences and precious rituals.