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eponé is our tribute to the world we love. Composed of all its natural diversity. In harmony with its greatest healing power. For moments of sumptuous well-being.

Our Story

Inspired by WATER

In search of the most sumptuous oils and botanical extracts, we have traveled far and wide to learn stories of local wisdom. To understand and experience nature’s gifts firsthand. Our name has its roots in the vast desert of Mauritania and one of its unlikely inhabitants: a delicate flower that blooms every morning amid dry sand. So fragile is its blossom that it survives for a handful of hours before perishing under the midday sun.

“It satisfies our deep longing to connect with everything around us...”

eponé Haircare

And yet, despite all odds, it unfolds its beauty every day afresh, enlivened only by a few droplets of morning dew. Each of its petals, a “thank you” note to the most precious liquid in this arid land: water. Like the flower, we too reveal our inner beauty when touched by the healing power of water. Because water quenches so much more than just our thirst. It satisfies our deep longing to connect with everything around us. All the magic of the world is contained in one little droplet of water.

Our purpose is to enrich and honor life by taking a holistic approach to skin care. To be your close companion in the most valued spas in the world and your personal cocoon at home. Our unique expertise and finely created skin care range come together to proudly bear the name of a delicate flower: eponé.

Our Concept

Made from NATURE

Our formulations speak louder than words. They invigorate and soothe, relax and firm, clarify and nourish – and yet they are much more than just a means to an end. We have developed them for pure enjoyment and well-deserved pampering, tested again and again, perfected down to the finest detail.

"No distance was too far for us ..."

All ingredients are selected with deep knowledge and blended in harmonizing balance for the best possible combinations. No distance was too far for us to travel and bring together all the elements forming our skin care range.

eponé is a feeling. An attitude to life. Each product enfolds knowledge and aspiration, fused with a generous dose of escapism. A journey through the world and to yourself. Simple, elegant and powerful in its essence: a holistic range of the most valuable active ingredients delivering unique experiences and precious rituals.

Our Promise

Composed by EXPERTS

“Our deep devotion to holistic well-being ..."

eponé might be young but is an old soul. It’s the embodiment of our profound knowledge and expertise deriving from decades of spa experience around the world. Over the years, we’ve catered to the distinct needs of thousands of people from all walks of life, gaining a deeper understanding of what feels good and works wonders.

What replenishes the skin’s sheen, awakens the blood flow and pampers the senses. We’ve immersed ourselves in ancient practices and age-old wisdom and translated them with respect into our own language, using advanced techniques and know-how.

Always in touch with the invigorating power of water, eponé encapsulates our knowledge of care rituals and valuable formulas powered by nature. Composed with the most potent ingredients our Earth has to offer – it’s our tribute to the world we love and inhabit. Our deep devotion to holistic well-being: Sensatio per aquam.

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Privacy policy

In the following, we inform you about the collection of personal data when using our website Personal data is information about the personal or factual circumstances of users, such as address, name, e-mail address, telephone number, user behavior and other information that allows conclusions to be drawn about a person. Insofar as we collect such data, you will be informed below about the purpose and scope of the data use.

1. responsible body

Eponé Cosmetics GmbH, Helene-Wessel-Bogen 11, D-80939 Munich, HRB 107493, represented by the Managing Director Peter Grein, is the responsible party in terms of data protection law. When asserting your rights under Section 5, please contact:

Phone: +49 89 3160573

2. general information on the handling of personal data

Personal data is processed when you use our website, contact us by e-mail or visit our store. We analyze usage behavior via Google Analytics. In addition to our website, you can also use the social media linked through the website. During processing, we ensure that this data is only used within the framework of the applicable legal provisions or only with your consent. If we use data about you on the basis of consent, you have the right to object, so that the consent expires with effect for the future. You also have other rights which are explained in section 5. Specifically, we collect and use personal data in the following operations:

3. logging of usage scope of data processing

We also store the usage processes during simple use (without registration or if you otherwise transmit information to us) on the website temporarily and independently of what you do in a log file. Thereby we store

– the date and time of access,
– the duration of the access
– The IP address
– the operating system of the computer from which the access is made
– the web browser used to access the site
– Websites from which the user has reached our site
– the subpages that are used

The legal basis for the storage is Art. 6 I f DSGVO. The storage of the IP address is necessary to ensure the functionality of the website and to guarantee the security of the website. We store the IP address only for the duration of your visit, a personal evaluation does not take place. The collection of data to provide the website and the storage of data in log files is necessary for the operation of the website.

4. contact by e-mail

If you contact us by e-mail, we store the e-mail communication until your request or use has been dealt with in order to answer queries and to document the communication. When contacting us via the form, only the e-mail address is mandatory, the name is voluntary. These forms are protected against viewing by third parties through the use of TLS encryption.

When contacting us by e-mail, third parties may be able to view the e-mail if it is not encrypted. You can find out whether your e-mails are encrypted via your e-mail provider.

The legal basis for the use of the personal data transmitted in the e-mail is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. If the e-mail contact aims at the conclusion of a contract, the additional legal basis for the processing is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR.

5. user rights information, objection, deletion and blocking of personal data, right of complaint

You have various so-called data subject rights with respect to your personal data. You may at any time request information (Art. 15 DSGVO) about the data we have stored about you; in addition, you may request that incorrect data be corrected (Art. 16 DSGVO), restricted for further processing (Art. 18 DSGVO) or deleted (Art. 17 DSGVO). You have the right to have your data transferred to a third party (Art. 20 GDPR) and the right to object to the processing of your data (Art. 21 GDPR). The regulations can be found here in Chapter III

The personal data of the data subject shall be deleted or blocked as soon as the purpose of the storage ceases to apply. However, deletion is only permissible insofar as there are no statutory retention obligations to the contrary. In such cases, the deletion of personal data shall be replaced by the blocking of such data. If you have any questions about the use of your personal data or wish to have the data deleted, please contact the responsible office as per item 1. We reserve the right to answer your request only in writing and to establish your identity.

Insofar as we use your data with a legitimate interest, you can object to the use at any time, with the consequence that we delete your data. Please address this objection to the responsible body named in section 1

If we use your data on the basis of consent, you have the right to revoke this consent at any time with effect for the future. The revocation is to be sent informally to the responsible body named in section 1.

If you wish to complain about the handling of your personal data, you have the right to complain to a data protection supervisory authority about the processing of personal data by us. The supervisory authority responsible for us is the Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision

Privacy policy status: December 22


represented by the managing director: Peter Grein
Helene-Wessel-Bogen 11
80939 Munich, Germany
Commercial register number: HRB 104793
Sales tax identification number: DE 162463627

Tel: +49 89 3160573
Fax: +49 89 31605759

This imprint also applies to the social media presences on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube, LinkedIn.

Dispute resolution

The EU Commission provides under the link
provides a platform for online dispute resolution to settle disputes arising from a contract with a consumer out of court.
We further inform you pursuant to § 36 para. 1 VSBG about the fact that we are not available for participation in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board, because we want to settle disputes with customers in direct contact amicably.

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By providing us with your email address and clicking "subscribe", you consent to receive information from Eponé Cosmetics GmbH about cosmetics and accessories as well as special promotions and discounts. The consent can be revoked at any time with effect for the future. You can exercise the revocation via the unsubscribe link in every mail or you send the revocation to newsletter@epone-cosmetics. By evaluating the use of the newsletter, we want to measure the success of the newsletter and optimize it.