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A little bit of extra indulgence
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A little bit of extra indulgence

eponé Deep Nourish Oil Elixir provides luxurious nourishment.

Floating between heaven and earth: Atop the crowns of Brazil nut trees, which tower up to 55 meters high above the canopy of the Brazilian rainforest, spherical fruit capsules dangle, reminiscent of coconuts. After ripening for up to one and a half years, they fall to the ground, unveiling their treasure: Each capsule encases ten to twenty Brazil nuts. These nuts are the tree’s seeds and a true treasure, as Brazil nuts in the market come primarily from wild-growing trees to this day. Harvesting Brazil nuts means collecting them from the forest floor during extensive treks—such as along the shores of the Amazon, Negro, and Tapajós rivers. In their native Brazil, these nuts have been valued for centuries for their immune-boosting properties. In traditional beauty regimens, they are processed to form a rich balm, while their ultra-hard shell is finely ground to be used as an exfoliant.

The Brazil nut oil is a key ingredient in our eponé Deep Nourish Oil Elixir. This highly nourishing yet lightweight oil is celebrated for its remarkable protective abilities and immunizing effects. It’s quickly absorbed by the skin, providing instant hydration and supporting collagen production. And as if that’s not enough, Brazil nuts are also known as the most selenium-rich food in the world—a mineral that, as we’ve come to realize, enhances the skin’s natural defense mechanisms and imparts a radiant look.

Hard exterior, precious heart – a premium
“Nut Oil Collection”

The Deep Nourish Oil Elixir is the richest of the four eponé Oil Elixirs. It’s a meticulously curated “nut oil collection,” thoughtfully chosen and beautifully synthesized. Blended into a new whole for a lavish skincare experience: Brazil nut oil, directly from its homeland, is combined with Paradise Nut Oil from Colombia, and Coconut Oil from the Philippines. The opulent formula is enhanced with Pistachio Seed Oil, adding the perfect finishing touch—our so-called refinement.

Just like Brazil Nut Oil, Paradise Nut Oil is renowned for its deeply nourishing and moisturizing properties. It improves the skin’s ability to retain moisture, reduces water loss, and acts as a regenerative agent for the lipid barrier. Similarly to Brazil nuts, Paradise nuts also mature in clusters inside fruit capsules. They are high in natural Vitamin E and exceptionally rich in unsaturated fatty acids.

From the lush green coasts and forests of South America, our ingredient journey continues to Southeast Asia: The coconut oil in our Deep Nourish Oil Elixir comes from the Philippines, the world of a thousand islands. Coconut is regarded as the queen of nuts. Its protective shell encases a precious, milky and delicious core. Who cares that—botanically speaking—it’s considered a humble stone fruit, much like a plum or a nectarine? We’d rather let our mind drift to distant beaches and palm trees, savoring its exotic aroma and flavor. In its homeland, the coconut is revered as a healing remedy because of its proven antimicrobial properties. Coconut Oil is extremely moisturizing and melts quickly into the skin like butter, providing care and softness. Ideal for revitalizing irritated and dry skin, as well as damaged hair.

Our refinement, Pistachio Seed Oil, originates from Turkey. Due to their complex harvesting and production process, pistachios are considered a luxurious food and beauty product. A delicacy in desserts and a symbol of life’s sweetness. Pistachio Seed Oil contains valuable active ingredients: Its high content in phytosterols stimulates skin regeneration and strengthens its protective barrier. At the same time, it scores comparatively high in linoleic acid content, and therefore positively affects collagen synthesis while ensuring skin elasticity. Last but certainly not least, this precious oil’s anti-inflammatory properties are soothing for both mind and body.

Luxurious lightness

Dark, shimmering red, glowing from within. Our Deep Nourish Oil Elixir radiates an inviting warmth. Trust us, you’ll want to wrap both hands around its precious bottle. And you’ll surely want to feel its velvety soft touch on the skin. Valuable “ingredient power” with a luxurious consistency: Just what we need right now. It’s still quite cold outside, but the sun slowly hints at the first days of spring. We want to offer our skin exactly what it craves in this phase: maximum nourishment, yet without any heaviness. Our goal is to deeply nourish, regenerate, hydrate, and retain moisture. The natural richness of our eponé Deep Nourish Oil Elixir pampers every skin type in a multi-layered and versatile way.

For example, you can include it as it is in your daily care routine. After bathing or showering, the skin is particularly receptive to beneficial ingredients. All you have to do is apply a small amount of Deep Nourish Oil Elixir to slightly damp skin, and let it absorb quickly so that it activates its nourishing properties in the best possible way. Alternatively, you can apply it where needed as a targeted treatment: Deep Nourish Oil Elixir is a great healing balm for dry skin, such as the areas around elbows and knees. Try applying a small amount to the sensitive skin on the neck, and notice how it immediately feels soft and smooth. Plus, a few drops can pamper fingernails and cuticles.

Every now and then we need that little bit of extra INDULGENCE to fully recharge.

That’s why we’ve combined nature’s most regenerative SUPER POWERS in this Oil Elixir.

For Hair and Beard

Use the oil as a hair treatment for dry, damaged hair. It’s particularly useful in this period as we’re still wearing hats and beanies, causing daily friction on the hair. Massage a few drops of Deep Nourish Oil Elixir directly into the ends of your hair or use it as an addition to our eponé Conditioning Hair Treatment. For men’s beard care: Deep Nourish Oil Elixir ensures softness and rich nourishment without leaving any greasy residue.

Our Hydration Booster

For daily care or a soothing body wrap, mix Deep Nourish Oil Elixir with Mix & Moisturize Base Gel. Generously enriched with Aloe Vera leaf juice and cucumber extract, the combination is a pure moisturizer that has a wonderfully refreshing, cooling, and soothing effect, all into one. We recommend a 1:1 ratio. Play around to find your personal favorite mix.

The eponé Foot Mask

Mix equal amounts of Deep Nourish Oil Elixir, Mix & Moisturize Base Gel and Tender Body Cream in a bowl and apply to cleansed feet. Particularly effective before bedtime, as the treatment can work its wonders overnight. Make sure to wear socks to lock in all the moisture!

Baby Bump Massage

Warm up the Deep Nourish Oil Elixir in your hands and gently massage your baby bump in a clockwise direction. Your fingertips should always point outwards. This will help increase skin elasticity of the skin, both as a preventative measure and afterwards.

SCENT enhances our sensory PLEASURE

Earthy Venezuelan tonka bean and sandalwood, vanilla from Madagascar, and a touch of salty sea notes. Our Deep Nourish Oil Elixir unfolds a sensual aroma of pure presence, enveloping like a warm blanket. No other sense has as much emotional and evocative power as the sense of smell. When we perceive a particular scent, our neurons fire up with a specific intensity, duration, and frequency. This neural interplay in our brain, creates a unique and recognizable profile for each scent. After all, a person can differentiate approximately 10,000 smells. We can experience scent consciously, sensually, and physically: It can alter our mental state, and help us ground, calm down, focus, and relax. Scent can anchor us in the moment, and bring us closer to ourselves. It can spark our imagination and open worlds of sensation. eponé Deep Nourish Oil Elixir invites us on a fascinating journey.

And our JOURNEY goes on!

Tipp: Eine wunderbare Heiterkeit hat meine ganze Seele eingenommen, gleich den süßen Frühlingsmorgen, die ich mit ganzem Herzen genieße. Ich bin allein und freue mich meines Lebens in dieser Gegend, die für solche Seelen geschaffen ist wie die meine. Ich bin so glücklich

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Privacy policy status: December 22


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