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Immerse yourself in the moment
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Immerse yourself in the moment

eponé Home Spa creates holistic wellbeing – every day.

Our recommendation for a perfectly relaxing bath? Gently slide into the bath water. Slowly immerse yourself up to both ears. Only the nose peeks out. Stretch your arms out along your body, palms facing up. Let go completely and enjoy your floating state with your eyes closed. The water has already started embracing you in soothing serenity. Its density allows only for muffled sounds to reach you from the outside. Thus, you can turn inwards to truly listen to yourself. Briefly hold your breath. Silently count to five. Then inhale ten times and slowly exhale again. Feel the pleasant warmth enveloping your entire body. Notice how it stimulates blood circulation as your muscles begin to relax. The water can be clear, milky or foamy, depending on what you prefer to infuse it with. A few drops of an eponé Oil Elixir are enough to swaddle you in a wonderful scent. This boosts your mood and can activate the release of the body’s own feel-good substances. A soothing experience for the body and senses.

“Treat yourself to a break from everyday life”

– that’s how home spa rituals are often described. However, we think that this kind of attitude towards self-care makes it sound like our goal should be to escape our own lives whenever we have the time and luxury. Why not consider our self-care rituals as an inherent part of our life, not just a beautiful and beneficial extra? They should be a central part of the way we choose to embody our everyday experience. Seeking balance and relaxation is undeniably in our nature. Our Home Spa opens up a personal space for holistic wellbeing: We can consciously take time for ourselves. Experience self-care individually. Immerse ourselves in the moment. Unleash new strength. Activate our energy flow. Spa tools like a natural sponge or massage brush support us in this journey. Personal beauty rituals and home treatments such as baths, peelings, masks and body wraps are a natural part of life. eponé products revitalize and soothe, relax and firm, clarify and nourish both instantly and long term. And yet they are much more than a means to an end: we have developed them for conscious enjoyment and well-deserved pampering.

Create an atmosphere of relaxation
eponé Shine on Candle

Light is of utmost importance when creating a relaxing ambience. It sets the right mood. Our advice is to veer away from bright and sterile lighting, and opt for dimmed, amber and cozy. That way you can easily transform your bathroom from a place of daily hygiene into a space dedicated to extended me-time, intensive self-care and luxurious wellbeing. Our spa light is a sensual companion! The eponé Shine On Candle combines exquisite essential oils that reveal themselves in the form of an olfactory journey stimulating all the senses: fruity notes of mandarin and peach, a noble bouquet of jasmine, gardenia and iris. Soft vanilla, sandalwood and vetiver. A fusion of distant cultures, fresh harvests, fragrant markets and unspoiled nature. Invitingly warm and inspiringly exotic. This elegant scent of exquisite origins evokes daydreaming and relaxed luxury, showing soul and senses the way to the destination of all journeys: the glow within us. Shine on!

Enjoy your own curated home spa
eponé Mix & Moisturize Base Gel

Making new connections. Creating something unprecedented together. That’s where our Mix & Moisturize Base Gel finds its purpose. Generously enriched with aloe vera leaf juice and cucumber extract, it is a pure moisturizer that is wonderfully refreshing, cooling and soothing for any skin. Thanks to its light texture, the transparent gel is quickly absorbed leaving no residue behind. It is fragrance-free and has a neutral scent. eponé Mix & Moisturize Base Gel enables bespoke skin care and lets us experience the meaning of home spa in a new way. Its main ingredients are Aloe Vera Leaf Juice from Mexico and Cucumber Extract from Normandy, while its extra touch of magic comes in the form of plant-based Hyaluron.

BEAUTIFUL becomes WONDERFUL when we add a touch of magic.

Personalized daily skin care

eponé Mix & Moisturize Base Gel was developed as a lightweight base to be mixed with our precious Oil Elixirs or with our Intense Hydration Nectar. Combine the gel in a small bowl with one of our Oil Elixirs or with our Intense Hydration Nectar. We recommend a ratio of about 1:1. Try out different combinations and find your personal favorite mixture!

Exquisite bath essence

Water works wonders! And it’s even more beautiful when we add a little touch of magic for a perfect self-care experience. To create a wonderful bath essence, mix equal parts of eponé Mix & Moisturize Base Gel, eponé Tender Body Cream and eponé Hydration Ceremony Oil Elixir or eponé Deep Nourish Oil Elixir, and simply add to your bath water.

A versatile face mask

Of course, you can just enjoy a simple bath. But why not elevate it a little? A temperature of 36 to 38 degrees Celsius is ideal. As the water’s warm temperature opens up the pores, active ingredients are particularly well absorbed by our skin. That’s when a face mask is very beneficial! Mix eponé Mix & Moisturize Base Gel and eponé Intense Hydration Nectar in a bowl in a ratio of 1:1 until achieving a silky texture. Using a delicate brush, apply the hydrating mask to the face and enjoy the refreshing feeling. Leave on for around ten minutes, by which time most of the mixture will have been absorbed. Gently remove the rest.

A journey to yourself

If not now, then when? When the temperatures outside increasingly drop. When the days become shorter, the natural light becomes more scarce, and the colors of nature more muted. That’s when we turn inwards. Our life goes back inside. The change of seasons leaves us longing for new moods and rituals. For new perceptions. It’s the perfect time to take a journey to ourselves: Our home spa allows us to focus entirely on the moment. To enjoy what is around us with all our senses. During this time, nothing else can touch us.

NOTHING can dim the light which shines from within.

And our JOURNEY goes on!

Tipp: Eine wunderbare Heiterkeit hat meine ganze Seele eingenommen, gleich den süßen Frühlingsmorgen, die ich mit ganzem Herzen genieße. Ich bin allein und freue mich meines Lebens in dieser Gegend, die für solche Seelen geschaffen ist wie die meine. Ich bin so glücklich

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Privacy policy status: December 22


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