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Back To The Roots
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Back To The Roots

eponé celebrates hair care
as a form of self-appreciation.

Our relationship with our hair is a bit of a paradox. We can’t even see it unless we look in the mirror or catch a glimpse of ourselves in our phone camera. And yet our hair plays an absolute major role in our self-perception and how we carry ourselves in this world. Who hasn’t stopped to quickly check their reflection and touch up a few rebellious hairs here and there while passing a shop window? Hair is our own personal crown and therefore plays a crucial role in how others see us.

Disheveled or combed? Air-dried or blow-dried? Our hair is a shape-shifting feature that welcomes intervention and invites us to form it as we please. But sometimes it does its own thing. Sometimes it might not let us tame it or control the frizz when it gets humid and foggy outside in the fall. But even these “inconvenient” instances that are out of our hairstyling control, we choose to see them as charming pecularities that invite us to further engage with and accept our own appearance. Think about the way someone thoughtfully curls a lock around their finger, tightens their ponytail, or shakes off the same strand of hair that keeps on falling in front of their face over and over again. These small hair rituals and gestures are unmistakably part of our personality.

Healthy and well-groomed hair is a wonderful gift. For some it comes naturally, while others need to put in a little bit more effort. Whichever the case, your hair’s shine, volume and elasticity must not be left to chance. In fact, daily hair care is considered part of our overall health and hygiene. In our world today, sun exposure, styling processes and mental stress have a major impact on hair health. eponé Hair Care not only pays special attention to the visible part of the hair, but also to the sensitive, often overlooked, scalp. We celebrate sustainable hair care as a soothing spa treatment—an expression of our appreciation for ourselves.

Soothing, invigorating and strengthening
eponé Soothing Hair & Scalp Shampoo

When we want to reflect on our true needs and activate our inner strengths, we tend to always go back to the roots. Both literally and metaphorically. For us, this is also where hair care begins, right at the base. Healthy roots nourish the rest of the hair from the ground up, supplying it with nutrients and making sure each strand is strengthened all the way to the tips. Our Soothing Hair & Scalp Shampoo revitalizes the hair roots and provides more volume, lasting resilience and natural shine, all with the help of a complex of natural minerals, vitamins and proteins. By strengthening and further fortifying the hair fibers, it reduces breakage and frizz. eponé Soothing Hair & Scalp Shampoo moisturizes, noticeably soothes the scalp and effectively regulates sebum production. The formula’s main active ingredients are Ginseng Extract from Jilan Province, Avocado Oil from California and Guarana from the Amazon, while its refinement is Manuka Extract.

Boost circulation and relieve tension. This is the best self-care treatment for your head: lather eponé Soothing Hair & Scalp Shampoo in your hands and apply to wet hair. Gently massage into the scalp using your fingertips. If needed, add more water to create more foam. Always work your way from the roots to the ends. Let yourself be enveloped in tart, herbal freshness and warm citrus notes that clear the mind while gently infusing your hair. After cleansing, rinse eponé Soothing Hair & Scalp Shampoo thoroughly. Pour lukewarm water over your head, close your eyes and enjoy deeply. Having regained its strength and natural moisture, your hair is now ready for further care with our eponé Conditioning Hair Treatment.

Nourishing, protective and defining
eponé Conditioning Hair Treatment

Like cracked soil in the desert, our hair becomes brittle and broken if it’s not regularly supplied with sufficient nutrients and moisture. Our Conditioning Hair Treatment is particularly rich in moisturizing, nourishing and balancing ingredients that strengthen the hair fibers from within, making sure their structure is smooth and capable of locking in moisture without weighing the hair down. Even particularly stressed and damaged hair regains its natural shine and elasticity, boasting a well-defined and polished result that’s easy to comb. Colored hair retains its color as eponé Conditioning Hair Treatment seals the hair fibers, thus securing the pigment. And it’s not just your hair that reaps the benefits. It’s your scalp too—even the most irritated skin types are nourished and soothed. The formula’s main ingredients are Lotus Flower from Laos, Illipe Butter from Borneo and Rosehip Seed Oil from Chile, while its refinement is Magnolia Essence.

After shampooing and rinsing, apply a small amount of Conditioning Hair Treatment to the lower third of your hair while it’s still damp. Leave on for a few minutes. To enhance the effect of repair and hydration, you can also apply it as a hair mask. Thanks to its special formula and soothing, refreshing scent, eponé Conditioning Hair Treatment is also wonderful as an overnight hair treatment. To finish, always rinse with cool water to seal the hair fibers.

Healthy hair is a symbol of happiness

Cutting off their long braids would never even cross their minds: With a length of up to two meters, Yao women’s hair is considered the longest and healthiest in the world. They cut it only once in their lifetime, at the age of eighteen. After that, their hair keeps on growing while remaining shiny, healthy and jet black well into old age. In our search for the most precious ingredients, we visited the Yao women in their small village of Huanglo, secluded in the mountains of southern China. Following their beauty tradition that’s been passed down for generations, they use homemade shampoos made with fermented rice water. This wonderful ingredient has proven to be a valuable ally for hair health by providing and retaining moisture, preventing dryness and promoting a healthy appearance. Fermented rice water is found in both eponé Soothing Hair & Scalp Shampoo and eponé Conditioning Hair Treatment. For Yao women, their long and healthy hair is a proud sign of health, happiness and longevity. For us, it reveals a lot about connection, continuity and renewal.

And our JOURNEY goes on!

Tipp: Eine wunderbare Heiterkeit hat meine ganze Seele eingenommen, gleich den süßen Frühlingsmorgen, die ich mit ganzem Herzen genieße. Ich bin allein und freue mich meines Lebens in dieser Gegend, die für solche Seelen geschaffen ist wie die meine. Ich bin so glücklich

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Privacy policy status: December 22


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